Thursday, September 1, 2016

Licorice one week update

Housetraining –  Perfect! Never an accident, and she has even asked to go out by scratching at the front door.

Crate- She crates easily with a treat in the morning when we leave for work. My husband says she does cry for a minute when I leave, but settles down quickly. She is resting quietly when I get home.

Leash- Licorice does well on the leash, but she’s not exactly the perfect walking partner just yet. She does like to follow her nose and is always on the hunt, which is not a problem out in the middle of nowhere (where we live). It may be a challenge to a busy city walk. Licorice is a very smart girl, and listens to direction. She will quickly learn whatever leash manners are needed for the daily walk where you live.
Food/Eating- We are currently feeding a grain free kibble, with a spoon of wet canned food stirred in. She loves it and has no stomach upset. She does eat very quickly and is always looking for more. She loves treats. ANY treats ;-) She also likes to chew on hooves, Kongs, and kneecaps.

Socialization- Licorice has been on a few car rides, a visit to the dog park, and been all over our neighborhood. She loves every adventure and everyone she meets. She and our dog Charlie have been playing together a little, but our Charlie (the KING of wrassling) has been under the weather and has not exactly been in the mood. Licorice seems to sense this, and will just lay quietly next to him as if to comfort him. It’s absolutely adorable.

To get Charlie's Perspective of this pic go to his blog:
Personality – Friendly, playful and inquisitive. She likes exploring. She loves toys, and will even play fetch for a minute or two. (Until she decides she would rather play with the object being tossed, than to continue bringing it back). Licorice is a busy girl. She likes having something to do, but will settle nicely with something to chew.

Coat/Size- Her coat is soft and silky and very long on her sides. I have not seen any shedding. She really could use a good grooming. She is a little “scruffy” looking right now. I bet she would look amazing after a day at the spa. She is low and long with a measurement of about 13” to her shoulders and about 17” from her collar to the base of her tail.

Licorice would do well in any home.
Apply today, and come play.

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