Sunday, November 15, 2015

Carrington enjoying the weather

No, it's not a ball of fluff the wind blew onto the deck. 

It's Carrington enjoying the sun.

This girl LOVES being outdoors.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Carrington's visit to the vet

We went to the vet to get our heartworm test.

Yeah! It was negative!!

Checking things out.

Whoa! What are these?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Your invited to meet Carrington

Fluffy Dog Rescue is having a Meet -N - Greet event.
You can meet Carrington and her friends who are available for adoption.

Fluffy Dog Meet & Greet
Sat. Nov. 14th - Noon until 2pm
Tail Waggin' Doggy Daycare
647 Industrial Ct., Hartland

This is a great way to interact with your potential new family member.

See you there !

Friday, November 6, 2015

Carrington's new toy

My foster dad brought home a new toy, just for me.

Click on pic to see video.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Carrington loves her foster brother

I LOVE you Charlie !

Oh this face.

What a face.

To see what Charlie has to think of all this go to his blog.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Carrington's one week update

Housetraining –  Things are going great. Only two potty accidents inside during her first week.

Crate- Carrington is getting MUCH better at going into her crate. She only needs a few treats, and some encouragement. Once in, she is very quiet and likes to keep busy with things to chew.

Leash-Walking on the leash is getting a little better. She doesn’t pull. She just really likes to sniff and explore. Very curious.  Can you blame her? Everything is new to her.

Food/Eating- No problems here.  She loves her kibble. No guarding or aggression.

Socialization- She and her foster brother have become best buddies. They run and “wrassle” every chance the get. She has met many new dogs on our walks and at the park with absolutely no problems. She has also met new people, both men and women and has greeted then politely and accepted pets without being over excited or jumping up.

Personality – Here is where we have seen the most change. Carrington has really settled nicely. Although she still loves to run and play, she has become MUCH calmer indoors. She now picks up on the household ques, and settles down as the people in the house settle down. She lies quietly at our feet while we eat or watch TV. Carrington has also started approaching us for pets and hugs. She is starting to become quite the cuddle bug.  

Coat/Size- I forgot to mention in previous posts, that Carrington’s coat is VERY soft and fluffy. That being said, we have not seen any shedding. You would think with a Husky-like mix and a double coat there would be hair everywhere, but this is not the case. I walked her in my new black dress pants yesterday and didn’t see a single hair on them. I have not seen anything in her crate either. What a BONUS. She is beautifully fluffy without the mess.  Perhaps she will be a seasonal  shedder ??? We will have to wait and see.

Carrington asking for pets

Carrington has started asking for pets. (From both of us)

Absolutely NO hesitation.

I think we have a Love Bug on our hands.

Snuggling in !

Monday, November 2, 2015

Carrington's many firsts

First Car Ride(s) – It was a weekend for running errands and getting chores done, and that included chasing around in the car. On our first trip, Carrington wasn’t sure how to get into the truck. She paced back and forth and tried to size up the situation. She saw Charlie inside the truck and knew that’s where she wanted to be, but just couldn’t figure out how to get there. For the sake of time, we lifted her in, and off we went. She rode very well. She was quiet and calm. Great for her first time!! So the next day we had another errand to run. We opened the door and Charlie jumped right in, as he always does. Carrington ran to the truck behind him, and then put on the brakes when she got to the door. She looked like she was in a cartoon as she slid to a stop. She stood there for a minute, then slowly climbed onto the floor of the car and then climbed up on the seat next to Charlie. Success! Again she rode great. We had two or three more car trips this weekend, and she showed us she has this ALL figured out. We now “jump” right in and are excited to go. Mission accomplished! Carrington is a terrific car rider!

First Visit from “Strangers”- Yes is was Halloween weekend, but  where we live we don’t get any trick or treaters  :(   Except…….. My new grandson (Yeah!) He was the cutest Star Wars Jedi ever…. But that is for another time.  When my Daughter and her husband came to the door Carrington was calm and greeted them politely. She approached my Son-in Law exactly the same as my daughter. No hesitation at all. It was wonderful to see. I thought maybe she would be overly excited, but she handled it quite well. And I think she loved the extra attention she received from the additional people in the house.

First Baby-Carrington LOVED my 9 month old grandson. Ok… maybe a little too much. She wanted to cover him with kisses and be near him all the time. (Even during diaper changing) I think Carrington would be great in a house with school aged kids though. She wants to be part of everything, so an active household would be a good fit.

First Encounter with BIG Dog-On our Sunday morning walk we crossed paths with the 90lb Pitt Bull from down the street. He is a happy guy always looking to play, and Carrington was happy to oblige. So… Carrington is NOT afraid of BIG dogs or BOY dogs. She had a great time paying with the big fella.

First Trip to the Dog Park – As you can see in the previous post, Carrington had a great time at the dog park. She played nicely with everyone there, without being too friendly or too overwhelmed. She just fit right in.

First Moments of Total Relaxation-It has been mentioned in previous posts that Carrington is “active” or “busy”. Yes, this is true however, this weekend we saw the first signs of Carrington “unwinding” and completely relaxed. She is showing signs of trust and adapting to her new world. I have complete faith that she is going to make a wonderful family member for some lucky family.

Aahhh, relaxed.