Friday, February 27, 2015

Farrah warming up

Farrah has been with us a few days now, and is adjusting well. We have noticed a few subtle things that an older (sorry…. more mature) dog does that a younger one may not. I would not consider Farrah old by any means, just not a puppy anymore, you know… more seasoned.

Farrah comes right to us and waits calmly when we get the leash for a walk. This is very refreshing if you have ever tried to leash a very “spirited” dog. She also has picked up on the household routines quickly. She knows when we get up in the morning we go straight to the back door to go out. When she comes in she waits by her dish for her breakfast. When it is time for bed, she puts herself into her crate. I think she enjoys the structure and it gives her confidence.

Farah seems to enjoy her crate(s). She goes into both the bigger crate in the living room when we are gone, and a smaller one in the bedroom at night, easily and willingly.

Farrah loves her walks. She does well on the leash and walks calmly alongside our dog Charlie. She will nearly always do her #2 business on her walk. She spends a lot of the walk time with her nose to the ground. She is colored like a Beagle and shaped like a Doxi so go figure...... she loves to sniff.

Housetraining is going very well. We have had just two potty accidents in the first few days. Her crate is always clean and dry, and as mentioned above, she has done all her business while on her walks. She will go out in the backyard with Charlie for potty time, and has gone once or twice on her own, but is much more reliable on the walk.

Farrah is warming up, but is taking her time. She is still quite reserved and will startle with quick movements. She is showing moments of “letting her hair down” from time to time. She will now join us in the living room in the evening and lay on the floor near Charlie. She has also decided that lying on the bed next to me at night is pleasant, even if she has to share that with Charlie as well. What she will not share with Charlie is her crate space. He has been scolded by her strongly and often that her crate is her crate, and that he has no business in it. Nothing serious, and to her defense Charlie is a bit of a thief. He will take any toy or treat that is around with little regard for who it belongs to. She has not shown any resource guarding with us humans, and has not defended anything else around the house. Like I said ….. she really likes her crate.

Currently Farrah shows little interest in toys or playing. I think this will come with time. She is very alert. She will let out a little bark (not excessive, or load) if she sees something passing by the window, or if someone comes to the door. So if you are looking for a dog that will let you know when things are not quite right….she may be your girl. This too, may be temporary. Only time will tell. When my brother stopped by last night she ran to the kitchen and stayed there until he was gone. She is not that eager face liking pup  that loves everyone the moment they see them, however I think with time and confidence she will not be hiding in the kitchen for long either.

I promise more updates and some pictures soon. I think we will see even more changes in Farrah in the days ahead. Farrah just needs a little more time to come out of her shell and we will all see what a great girls she is.


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