Friday, February 6, 2015

Cocoa has new experiences

Cocoa had a few new experiences this week. (sorry no pics, it's been a busy few days)

Last night we loaded up the car and went to run errands. We had Cocoa sit in the back seat with her foster brother, Charlie and off we went. She did GREAT ! She wasn’t scared at all, but she wasn’t jumping around and trying to get to the front seat with us either. She sat still and quietly looked out the window while we went from place to place for over an hour. I was so impressed. Maybe it helps that Charlie tends to lie down and snooze when he rides, and she picked up on that. I don’t know. All I know is she is the best car rider we have fostered so far.

 We had two visitors this week. My daughter and our brand new (and first) grandson came over on Wednesday night. The baby is just 10 days old. Although Cocoa’s greeting was just a little overly enthusiastic at first, she settled down nicely when everyone got seated. She did try to “help” get the baby out of his seat, and tried to “help” get his coat off, etc. She was not aggressive in any way. She was just very interested. Maybe a little bit of a nuisance when you are trying to handle a baby, but we will work on “polite greetings” going forward. Once everyone was seated and the house settled, Cocoa just laid by my feet showing little interest in the baby, even when he cried.

 Last night my son came in around 10:00 pm. Cocoa did get a little startled and barked. (One of the very few times she has barked.) But who could blame her. A 6 ft. 3 in. strange man carrying luggage coming in the house after dark might be a little intimidating to anyone, especially if you are just 12in tall. Once he put down his things and took off his coat, Cocoa jumped at the chance to get attention from someone new. My son is great with dogs and immediately got down on the floor for play time and they became instant friends.

 All and all Cocoa did great with both visits, but she does have a very excited greeting. We will do our best to work on a “four on the floor” approach in the future, but be assured she is very gentle, and not aggressive or scared in any way. I think she is just so happy to have people around her that love her.  

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